I am Deepak Unnikrishnan.Here are the best movies from my collections.I have tried to review and rate the best from Hollywood for you.Please contact me for your views and suggestions.God bless you.

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Wednesday 22 November 2017


Genre: Drama
Cast: Jennifer Lawrence,John Hawkes
Director: Debra Graink
IMDb rating: 7.2/10
Deeps rating: 8/10
Verdict: An intense life drama full of pain and misery.We as viewers, pray and hope the movie has a happy ending.
   Teenager Ree Dolly [Jennifer Lawrence] is facing a tough life with a sick mother and two young siblings with her father who has a criminal background,missing for long.To save her family from starving she needs the help of neighbour's and close relatives.Now a new problem arises,that her father has pledged all their property as a bond in court and as he has not appeared in court for sometime,all the property is going to be taken over by the law.She has one week left to find her father or find his dead body. Her desperate search for her father begins and everyone she approaches either turn their back or tease her.Her uncle Teardrop[John Hawkes],initially refuses to help but later seeing Ree's misery and despair decides to join her in search of his brother.
              The whereabouts about her father remains a mystery and as the day approaches Ree is more and more frustrated and perilous.She and her sick mother along with the two young siblings has no where to go and no one to support.It's peak winter time and their life's are in danger unless they find her father alive or dead.All her well-wishers hope and pray that Ree finds him.Just as them we as viewers too hope and pray that the movie has a happy ending.Such is the grief  and misery of Ree and her family.

1. Haunting movie which will make you understand the importance of Hope in your life.It teaches you to never lose hope in your life.Be optimistic.
2. Incredible performance from Jennifer Lawrance.A star-making one.No words to express her depiction of Ree.
3. A special thriller which is not loud and violent.Perfect direction keeping the intensity on through out.
4. Great screen play and excellent visuals.

1. No commercial elements for mainstream viewers.
2. Slow paced.


   The movie was greeted with pronounced acclaim by the critics all over.It won many awards at various film festivals.It was chosen the best movie of 2010 by the A.V.Club.It won the Grand Jury Prize for the best Dramatic picture at the 2010 Sundance Film Festival along with the best Screenplay.It got 4 nominations for the Oscar's too.Not mentioning various other awards the movie received.This low budget movie made with a  mere $2 million, made a gross of more than $16 million world wide.A class movie that you don't want to miss.



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