I am Deepak Unnikrishnan.Here are the best movies from my collections.I have tried to review and rate the best from Hollywood for you.Please contact me for your views and suggestions.God bless you.

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Monday 6 November 2017


Genre: Emotional Thriller
Cast: Al Pacino,John Cazale
Director: Sidney Lumet
IMDb rating: 8/10
Deeps rating: 8.2/10
Verdict: A real emotional bank robbery. Who's bad and who's good????
  Sonny Wortzick [Al Pacino] and his friends Sal and Steve decide to rob a bank for some quick money; something they have never done before.So unprofessional they are,they tend to mess things up right from the start.When the robbery gets on Steve gets scared and he run away leaving only the two to complete the mission.As they could find a mere $1200 in that bank a frustrated Sonny who desperately requires $2700 stays on to check the drawers to collect as much money as possible.By this tile the cops are alerted and a huge army of cops surround the bank.Sonny and Sal panic and they decide to keep the bank employees as hostages.

         The bank officials realize that the two robbers doesn't  have any fun and they are not in any way dangerous.So they don't get flustered and stay calm.Soon the bank building is surrounded  by a huge crowd and as always by frenzy media.The cops and FBI talks with Sonny and they too perceive that Sonny was not a hard core criminal and he is a first timer.The media finds out that Sonny is a homosexual and he robbed the bank for his partner's sex change operation.Sonny story and his deeds gets the crowd's attention and soon people starts cheering for him.
   Even his hostages mostly women feels sympathetic towards Sonny and inside the bank they have a lot of fun while at the outside the cops thinking hard to bring an end to this hostage crisis.Sonny tries to pump up Sal's confidence as he starts getting depressed as the drama continues.Sonny doesn't want to hurt anyone and he demands for medical supply and food for his hostages.Finally Sonny demands a jet to fly out of this country to Algeria.Why he chose Algeria is fun as he his geogarphical knowledge is almost zero.The FBI agrees to his terms and Sonny and the hostages step out of the bank amidst cheering crowd and sympathetic cops.
    But Law has it's own strange ways and a bank robbery is not mere fun.Even Sonny's hostages want him out from this mess but where will destiny take him???!!!Will a tender Sonny and shaken Sal escape from this turmoil???!!!
   The movie, more than a thriller is an emotional ride of Sonny's life.Al Pacino proves once again that when it comes to emotional roles there is no match for him in Hollywood.The young and handsome Sonny wins our heart and as viewers we pray every moment that he gets out well from this mess.The characterizations of this movie deserves a lot of credit.A movie which gives you optimism and hope.It's funny in between and thrilling most of the times.My recommendation..MUST WATCH.

I am Deepak Unnikrishnan and I will be back with another good movie,soon.



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